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Share Your Voice: Become an Alzheimer's advocate in your community

The number of Americans with this devastating and heartbreaking disease is growing – and fast. There are more than 5 million people in the United States living with Alzheimer's today, and more than 16 million people will have the disease in this country by 2050.

Alzheimer’s is the only cause of death among the top 10 in America without a way to prevent, cure or even slow its progression.

Now is the time for our elected leaders to act. Their leadership is needed now more than ever and they need to hear your voice in Washington, D.C. and your state capitol. The Alzheimer's Association is pursuing a federal legislative agenda that will invest $2 billion in Alzheimer's research, provide access to care and support services, and create a national plan to solve the crisis.

Please get involved today! Become an Alzheimer's advocate in your community. Together we can create a world without Alzheimer's.

*Communications to Alzheimer's advoates will be in English.

Next: What is Alzheimer's?


患有這種令人心碎的損毀性疾病的美國人數正在快速增長。目前美國患阿滋海默症的人數超過 500 萬,到 2050 年,該國患有此疾病的人數將超過 1600 萬。

阿滋海默症為無法預防,治癒甚至無法延緩病情惡化的美國 10 大死亡原因之一。

現在是我們選出的領導者行動的時候了。現在比以往更需要他們的領導,他們需要在華盛頓特區和您的州議會聆聽您的心聲。Alzheimer’s Association 阿滋海默症協會正在制訂聯邦立法議程,該議程將在阿滋海默症研究上投資 20 億美元,使患者能夠獲得護理和支援服務,以及制訂可解決此危機的國家計劃。




Alzheimer's Association National Office 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601
Alzheimer's Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

© 2025 Alzheimer's Association. All rights reserved.