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    Oregon and SW Washington Chapter
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    Nearly 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's.

    2024 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures

    Our new report reveals the burden of Alzheimer’s and dementia on individuals, caregivers and the nation’s health care system.

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    Oregon and SW Washington Chapter

    Oregon and SW Washington Chapter

    Get support, resources and research updates from the Alzheimer's Association Oregon & SW Washington Chapter. Join the fight against Alzheimer's, find local events and access our 24/7 Helpline for immediate assistance.

    We provide no-cost care and support resources, educational programs, support groups, brain health conferences, and other services for people in Oregon and Southwest Washington affected by Alzheimer's disease and all other dementias. From Portland to Vancouver, Eugene to Medford, and every town in between, your local Oregon & SW Washington Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association is here to help. We serve all thirty-six counties in Oregon and are the primary resource for Clark and Skamania counties in Washington State.

    Whether it’s offering support to anyone facing Alzheimer’s, advocating for the needs and rights of those facing dementia, or advancing critical research, we work toward methods of treatment, prevention, and ultimately, a cure.

    Alzheimer's Statistics in Oregon and Washington

    In Oregon, more than 79,000 people are living with Alzheimer’s; In Washington, this number exceeds 126,000 individuals. As America's most expensive disease, per capita Medicare spending is roughly $25,000 and Medicaid costs for Alzheimer's in Oregon and Washington total $800 million annually. 

    You are invited to follow us on social media for the latest local updates


    Join us for local care and support services (educational programs and support groups), Walk to End Alzheimer's, our annual McGinty Conference on Alzheimer's & Aging, a Mini-McGinty brain health event, the Memories in the Making Paint the Night Purple Gala, and more.

    You are invited to follow us on social media for the latest local updates

    Take charge of your brain health today.

    See the 10 Healthy Habits

    Are you worried about Alzheimer’s disease?

    Know the 10 Signs

    Learn how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain.

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