To speed the development of treatments for Alzheimer's disease, the Alzheimer's Association is urging the scientific community to look at the disease in a new way. We thank the members of NARFE for their support in our efforts to bring about this important shift. Making Alzheimer's research funding a priority is another key goal that we share with our friends and supporters at NARFE. Last month, in testimony to the House committee that considers federal research funding levels for the fight against this disease, we shared information about the challenges to be faced and the progress we've made together. Thank you to all NARFE members for your continued commitment to this fight. Together, we will end Alzheimer's.
New research framework defines Alzheimer's by brain and body changes
An article published in one of the Alzheimer's Association research journals proposes evolving the definition of Alzheimer's disease for research use from cognitive and behavioral symptoms to one based on changes in the brain and body. The new definition was created by a workgroup convened by the Association and the National Institute on Aging. The goal is to speed the development of treatments for Alzheimer's. Learn more.
Association, AIM take the Alzheimer's case to Congress
Robert Egge, chief public policy officer, Alzheimer's Association, and executive director, Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM), recently testified before the House Appropriations Labor–HHS Subcommittee about the need for further increases in Alzheimer's and dementia research funding at the National Institutes of Health. Egge shared stark facts — such as an estimated 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's — but also highlighted progress that's been made in large part because Congress has substantially increased Alzheimer's funding. Learn more.
Alzheimer's stigma may discourage people from learning about risk
Stigma surrounding Alzheimer's disease may discourage Americans from learning about their risk and from joining clinical trials for potential treatments, a new study shows. The researchers involved in the small study said the results suggest that advances in therapies to improve the prognosis of people living with Alzheimer's could help reduce stigma. “We need to reduce the stigma to encourage persons with mild or even no symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to enroll in prevention trials to find effective treatments,” said Maria Carrillo, Alzheimer's Association chief science officer. Learn more.
Alzheimer's disease is an urgent public health issue
During National Public Health Week in April, the Alzheimer's Association took the opportunity to reiterate that Alzheimer's is a major public health issue we must urgently address through federal funding and also through measures such as the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer's Act (S. 2076/H.R. 4256), legislation to create a nationwide Alzheimer's disease public health infrastructure. Learn more.
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