The Judy Fund
National Team Type:Member National Team - Group Name:The Judy Fund

Company Description
Why We Walk: The Judy Fund walks to change the face of Alzheimer’s disease.
We walk in memory of my mother, Judy, and all the moms and dads, men and women living with Alzheimer’s, along with the caregivers working tirelessly to support them. We walk in search of the first survivor of Alzheimer’s disease, in the spirit of those we’ve lost, and in defense of future generations. We walk in search of a cure. We walk in support of women’s brain research, as women are disproportionately impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. We walk to create community and become active participants in the fight. We walk to be part of the change.
As a Walk to End Alzheimer’s National Team, The Judy Fund invites you to walk with us on our teams at Walks across the country. Please join a Judy Fund team in your home town, or we can help you start one there! Thank you for the impact your nationwide participation will make on behalf of our commitment and partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association. Every step walked as a team strengthens our mission, every stride brings us even closer to achieving our goal.
We walk for change, please walk with us!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead