Together, we can end Alzheimer’s. Congress can make it happen.

We’ve invented cars that drive themselves, created 3D printers that can build prosthetic arms and legs, and successfully transplanted hearts and lungs. Now it’s time to end Alzheimer’s.

The Alzheimer's Association is leading the fight against the disease, but we need your help to drive research toward discovery and breakthroughs. Add your voice by telling Congress that you support increased Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding and improved access to care and support.

Alzheimer’s is devastating our nation. But together, we can end it.

This year alone, Alzheimer’s and all other dementia will cost the nation $360 billion and is on track to cost nearly $1 trillion by 2050.

Between 2000 and 2021, deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease have more than doubled, while those from heart disease — the leading cause of death — have decreased.

We’re relentless in the pursuit of our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia®.

The Alzheimer’s Association is working to advance and develop policies to overcome Alzheimer's disease through increased investment in research, enhanced care and improved support.

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It’s Time to Renew Our Nation’s Commitment to End Alzheimer’s.

We’re calling on Congress to keep up the fight against Alzheimer’s and other dementia by reauthorizing the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA).

Act Now
Picture of woman holding ENDALZ sign
Researcher looking at microscope slide

It’s Time to Increase Research Funding.

Ask your members of Congress to increase Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding. Ending Alzheimer’s is possible.

Join Us
Physician and patient

It’s Time for a Better Path to Dementia Care.

To streamline today’s complicated health care maze for people living with dementia and their caregivers, we’re working with bipartisan congressional champions to advance the Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer's Act.

Act Now
Physician and patient

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