Preferred Hotel
Grand Hyatt
109 East 42nd Street at Grand Central
New York, NY 10017, US
Is there a block of rooms reserved for gala guests?
The Grand Hyatt is offering guests of the 2018 Rita Hayworth Gala a special rate of $359 the evening of
our Gala. This rate is only available through September 20th! Make your reservation today by
clicking here or call the Grand Hyatt directly at (888) 421-1442 and tell them your reservation is for the
Alzheimer's Association Rita Hayworth Gala.
Cipriani 42nd Street New York, NY
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 |
Cocktails and Silent Auction |
6:30 p.m. |
Awards Ceremony and Dinner |
7:30 p.m. |
Dessert and Dancing |
8:30 p.m. |