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    Michigan Great Lakes Chapter
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    Social Engagement Programs

    Social Engagement Programs

    Join us for our social engagement programs—a great way to socialize, connect and have fun. Alzheimer's or dementia can often be isolating. It is important to remain engaged and socially active.

    Social engagement programs are a great way for caregivers and those living with Alzheimer's or dementia to take part in activities in the community in a comfortable environment.

    View our printer-friendly list of upcoming programs.

    Early Stage Social Engagement Program (West Michigan)

    This program provides activities and experiences for those with dementia and their care partners on the west side of the state. One location for programs is Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park.

    Bruce H. and Rosalie N. Rosen Community Connect Program

    The Bruce H. and Rosalie N. Rosen Community Connect Program provides people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and their care partners a broad range of free (unless otherwise noted) social and cultural opportunities throughout Metro Detroit.

    Community Connect partners include:

    • Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center (BBAC)
    • Detroit Institute of Arts
    • Detroit Symphony Orchestra
    • Detroit Zoo
    • The Henry Ford
    • Yankee Air Museum
    Call our 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 or send us an email at for more information.

    Visit for a complete listing.