Through knowledge sharing, Project ECHO brings dementia care expertise to local communities. The Alzheimer's Association ECHO Superhub mentors and supports new partners in extending the reach of dementia care training. Learn more about starting an ECHO hub or dementia care training program in your community.

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Benefits of Project ECHO

ECHO hubs offer many benefits for patients, providers and communities, including:

  • Reduced disparities in care.
  • Workforce training.
  • Improved quality, safety, and population health.
  • Potential reduction in healthcare costs.

To help achieve these outcomes, ECHO programs follow four key tenets:

  • Use technology to leverage scarce resources.
  • Share best practices to reduce disparities.
  • Apply case-based learning to master complexity.
  • Evaluate and monitor outcomes.
A graphic detailing the four key tenets of ECHO programs: amplification via technology, sharing best practices, case-based learning, and using data to evaluate outcomes.

Steps to launching a dementia care ECHO hub

  1. Learn. Meet with the Alzheimer’s Association ECHO Superhub team to learn about the ECHO model and how it can address your local needs.
  2. Agree. Your organization will sign a partnership agreement with the ECHO Institute at the University of New Mexico, which created the ECHO model.
  3. Train. Your team will participate in a 2-day ECHO Partner Launch Training with the Alzheimer’s Association and prepare to launch your ECHO program.

Please fill out a brief interest form and the Alzheimer's Association ECHO Superhub team will respond with more information about launching your own ECHO hub.

Get Started

Alzheimer's Association Project ECHO resources and services

New ECHO partners will receive ongoing new information and resources, including access to Alzheimer’s Association resources, curriculum materials, templates and guidance on communicating and delivering evidence-based, best-practice dementia care. The Alzheimer’s Association can offer our technical expertise in:

As an ECHO partner, you will join the global MetaECHO community and learn from ECHO partners worldwide, including through monthly newsletters, community calls and an invitation to the global MetaECHO conference.

The Alzheimer's and Dementia Care ECHO Global Collaborative

As you prepare to launch your own ECHO program for dementia, you will be invited to join the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO Global Collaborative. The collaborative includes ECHO hubs around the globe who use the model for dementia, or for those who are planning an ECHO dementia program. This group meets quarterly and has three key working objectives:

  1. Increase the use of Project ECHO for Alzheimer’s and other dementia care.
  2. Increase evidence around the efficacy of the ECHO model for dementia.
  3. Increase and advance policy and funding support for ECHO programs focused on dementia.

Questions about Project ECHO or starting a new hub? Contact us.