Funded Studies Details
2020 Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders (GBHI)
Facebook Interaction as a Potential Marker of Cognitive Decline
Mohamed Salama, M.D.
The American University in Cairo
New Cairo, Egypt
Studies show that when an individual experiences early symptoms of cognitive decline, they may divert newly limited cognitive resources towards essential everyday functioning and away from other “nonessential” tasks. Research shows that social interaction—which may be challenging to maintain in the face of emerging cognitive decline— may be one of these “nonessential” tasks. Dr. Mohamed Salama will study changes in language use and interaction history in social media platforms like Facebook, in a group of participants diagnosed with early dementia. Dr. Salama and colleagues will use the participants’ level of interaction on Facebook, collected over several years and apply advanced computer science techniques (called machine learning) to predict future cognitive status. If successful, the study may lay the foundation for a larger study to verify the reliability of the model of early behavioral changes associated with dementia.