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    2020 Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders (GBHI)

    Characterizing Mistreatment in Mexican Cognitively Impaired Older Adults

    Stefanie Piña Escudero, M.D.
    University of California, San Francisco
    San Francisco, CA - United States

    Studies report an increase in the occurrence of individuals with cognitive impairment in Mexico as well as potential associated elder mistreatment. However, cognitively impaired individuals are generally excluded from studies aimed to better evaluate and understand mistreatment, leaving details about this population largely unknown. To address this challenge, Dr. Stefanie Danielle Pina Escudero and colleagues will conduct a study in at least 198 community-dwelling Mexican caregivers and the individuals (cognitively impaired older adults) receiving care. The researchers will use standard measures to evaluate cognitive impairment and elder care in the participants. Using advanced statistical techniques, the researchers will analyze mistreatment of the older adults based on multiple factors including socioeconomic, health, burden of care and cultural variables. If successful, the study results could be used to identify which of the variables are closely associated with elder mistreatment and could give rise to potential strategies to proactively address the issue of mistreatment in cognitively impaired older adults.

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