How to Apply
Hundreds of talented scientists worldwide apply for grants from the Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program to fund investigations of new treatment methods, accelerate drug development and identify prevention strategies.
Applying for a research grant
Below is a summary of steps for applying for a research grant.
Step 1: Submit a letter of intent and application
The first step in applying to the Alzheimer's Association for any research grant is to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) through the proposalCENTRAL online application system at Applications will not be accepted without an approved LOI submitted within that grant cycle/program. First-time users must register and fill out a Professional Profile in proposalCENTRAL to begin the LOI/application process. The Alzheimer's Association requires that all applicants must be registered as a reviewer with the Association to submit a letter of Intent. If you submit a letter of intent/application and are NOT currently registered as a reviewer, you will be automatically added to the Alzheimer's Association reviewer roster. Additionally, it is required that you review at least one grant proposal within your area of expertise, outside the grant competition to which you are applying.
The LOI and completed application must be submitted by a single principal investigator (PI). All LOIs must be approved or rejected in the current grant cycle. Hard copies of the LOI will not be accepted. LOIs will not be accepted after the deadline date — no exceptions.
Step 2: Review process
All applications are subject to a multiple stage peer-review process carried out with an online system. In the first stage, applications are reviewed and rated by a minimum of three peer scientists with expertise in the proposed area of research. Applicants may include recommended reviewers and also have the option to exclude specific reviewers from evaluating their application if a conflict of interest exists.
Conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to):
1. The Applicant trained with/ by the reviewer.
2. Reviewer published with the Applicant in the last four (4) years. This excludes workshop or large consortia (i.e. ADNI, IGAP, etc.)
3. Reviewer has been a co-investigator on a grant application or award with the Applicant in the last four (4) years.
4. Reviewer has a conceptual difference of opinion with the Applicant that will prevent a fair review.
5. Reviewer will receive financial benefit from the Applicant receiving an award.
Following the online peer review, the second stage includes further review and discussion of the scores and comments resulting from the initial review process. This second review is carried out by the International Research Grant Program (IRGP) Council and invited review committee members to ensure fairness and equity in the initial review procedures and to make funding recommendations to the Association.
Final recommendations from the IRGP Council are shared with the Alzheimer's Association Medical and Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG) to share with the Alzheimer’s Association for final approval. Members of the IGRP Council and MSAG are internationally recognized experts with distinguished careers in Alzheimer's and all dementias.
This multi-stage process is central to our award decisions and is designed to ensure both scientific rigor and fairness in the review of all submitted applications.
If you are interested in being considered as a reviewer for the Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program, please submit your CV to
Step 3: Awards announced
Applicants are notified of grant awards via the email provided in the application.
Core programs
Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant (AARG)
Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant to Promote Diversity (AARG-D)
Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant – New to the Field (AARG-NTF)
Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant to Promote Diversity – New to the Field (AARG-D-NTF)
Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship (AARF)
Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship to Promote Diversity (AARF-D)
Alzheimer’s Association Clinician Scientist Fellowship (AACSF)
Alzheimer’s Association Clinician Scientist Fellowship to Promote Diversity (AACSF-D)
Indirect cost policy
The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program is restricted to a no more than 10% indirect rate unless otherwise noted in the specific program announcement. In some instances, programs do not allow indirect costs. This indirect cost policy applies to all funded grants. Strategic projects do not allow indirect expenses, unless specifically stated by the Alzheimer’s Association, and are then limited to no more than 10%.
List of low and middle income countries
The Alzheimer's Association recognizes the need to increase the number of underrepresented researchers. The world’s low and middle income countries (LMICs) are a diverse group by size, population, and income level. Researchers from these countries are encouraged to apply for the Alzheimer's Association's research grants.Frequently asked questions
View a list of frequently asked questions for our program grants, including information on applying, eligibility and more.Contact information
For any inquiries or additional information, please contact a member of the Alzheimer’s Association Research Grants Team at

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