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    RFI Amyloid PET Depletion Following Treatment

    RFI Amyloid PET Depletion Following Treatment

    The Alzheimer's Association has assembled a workgroup to summarize the current knowledge on amyloid PET depletion after treatment and create a common framework for discussing this new entity. We welcome comments on the initial draft criteria.

    Project background

    In August 2023, the Alzheimer's Association gathered a group of clinicians and scientists with expertise in clinical trials and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. This group aims to summarize the current knowledge on patients with depleted amyloid biomarkers following treatment, identify gaps in knowledge, and make recommendations on the naming and operationalization of this entity and its implementation in clinical settings.

    Clinical trials have shown that amyloid-targeting monoclonal antibody-based therapies significantly reduce amyloid plaque burden as measured with PET imaging. In a large number of cases, the amyloid PET signal drops below a pre-determined positivity threshold; similar to cases devoid of amyloid plaques, the amyloid PET is "negative." With the recent FDA approval of anti-amyloid therapies, there is a need to better characterize this group of amyloid depleted patients to improve patient care and management.

    Give your feedback

    We invite comments from scientific and clinical audiences. Professional and advocacy organizations are encouraged to submit a single response that reflects the views of the organization as a whole. Your comments should include feedback or suggestions about the information provided within the draft document available here and/or presented at CTAD 2023.

    Step 1: Review the draft criteria.
    A draft of the workgroup's original suggestions is available. Please review the draft document (PDF) before submitting a response.

    Step 2: Submit a response.
    To give your feedback on the workgroup's proposal, please fill out a short form. Comments will be included on the public site without identifying information, following review by the workgroup.

    The comment submission period is now closed.

    Workgroup member affiliations and disclosures

    View workgroup member disclosures (PDF). 

    Maria C. Carrillo
    Alzheimer's Association

    Jeffrey L. Cummings
    University of Nevada Las Vegas

    Douglas Galasko
    University of California, San Diego

    Milos D. Ikonomovic
    VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

    Renaud La Joie
    University of California, San Francisco

    Susan M. Landau
    University of California, Berkeley

    Jorge Llibre-Guerra
    Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine

    Catherine Mummery
    University College London

    Rik Ossenkoppele
    Amsterdam University Medical Center; Lund University

    Julie Price
    Massachusetts General Hospital

    Shannon Risacher
    Indiana University School of Medicine

    Claire Sexton
    Alzheimer's Association

    Ruben Smith
    Lund University

    Christopher H. van Dyck
    Yale School of Medicine