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    Learn about Medicaid eligibility and long-term care coverage.

    Medicaid pays for medical care for people with very low income and asset levels, and long-term care for people who have used up most of their own money. It is a program jointly funded by federal and state governments.

    About Medicaid

    A document labeled Medicaid and prescription pillsMedicaid is a federal/state program typically administered by each state's welfare agency.

    Eligibility: Eligibility and benefits vary from state to state. If the person living with dementia is eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), he or she may also be eligible for Medicaid depending upon the individual’s state law. Those not on SSI must have limited income and assets. The amount is determined by each state.

    When determining income and asset levels for individuals who live in a nursing home (which Medicaid refers to as nursing facilities) or receiving home- and community-based services, there are also specific guidelines to protect spouses who live in the community from impoverishment.

    Special considerations: The person living with dementia should be very careful about giving away assets to family members to qualify for Medicaid. Strict laws govern this area. Check with your legal adviser to be sure you are fully aware of the legal and financial results of transferring property and money.

    Medicaid and long-term care: Most states have home- and community-care options for people who qualify, which allow individuals to live in their homes in the community and receive long-term care services. Most people living with Alzheimer's or other dementias will eventually need long-term care services and many will require nursing home care. For people who meet eligibility requirements, Medicaid covers all or a portion of nursing home costs. Be aware that not all nursing homes accept Medicaid. 

    How to apply for Medicaid: For an application, contact your local Department of Welfare or Department of Health. Medicaid is based on financial need. So, you will be asked to supply information, including:

    • Where you live.
    • Family members.
    • Your monthly income.
    • Property.
    • Belongings.
    • Savings.
    • Investments.
    • Medical expenses.

    Most nursing homes that accept Medicaid will have staff who can assist you in applying.

    Visit Medicaid's website for more information.