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    Massachusetts and New Hampshire Chapter
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    Free CEU Programs

    We thank the dementia care workforce for all you do to support individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. New this year, we will be offering free CEU programs throughout the year for dementia care professionals in lieu of our annual professional conference. We recognize the importance of flexibility when it comes to educational opportunities. We hope you will join us at one of our live, virtual offerings.

    LGBTQIA+ Panel Discussion: Offering Culturally Sensitive Care

    Moderated by Lisa Krinsky, MSW, LICSW, Director of the LGBTQIA+ Aging Project, a program of the Fenway Institute at Fenway Health in Boston

    April 3, 2025
    12:00 - 1:00 pm ET

    Why Attend?

    • Learn important factors related to offering culturally sensitive care 
    • Understand the challenges this unique population faces
    • Understand the importance of reducing stigma
    This session will feature a panel discussion of LGBTQIA+ caregivers providing valuable insights to professionals on how to offer LGBTQIA+ culturally sensitive care to this unique population. The LGBTQIA+ community faces unique challenges related to Alzheimer's and dementia. These include finding inclusive and welcoming healthcare providers, having less ability to rely on adult children for assistance, concerns about stigma, and higher rates of poverty and social isolation. LGBTQIA+ individuals who are spouses, partners, or family members caring for someone with Alzheimer's may also struggle to find culturally sensitive care, support networks, and other resources. Important considerations include planning for the future, legal matters, end-of-life care, and accessing quality healthcare.


    • Nursing:This program meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing at 244 CMR 5.00 for 1 contact hour.
    • Social Work: Application for social work continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact Lorraine Kermond,, for the status of social work CE accreditation.
    To register, click here
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    Upcoming CEU Programs

    How to Have Health Care Planning Conversations with Your Clients and Families: Tips & Strategies

    * Attendees will receive a HCM Health Care Planning Ambassador Certificate

    May 15, 2025
    12:00 - 1:00 pm EST

    Presented by Ellen M. DiPaola, JD, President & CEO, Honoring Choices Massachusetts.

    Why Attend?
    • Learn how to have difficult conversations regarding serious illnesses
    • Support people in writing down their  care goals and preferences for future care, including end of life care.
    • Become a certified HCM Health Care Planning Ambassador 
    Health care team members will confidently engage adults in early and on-going health care planning conversations using the “Honoring Choices MA (HCM) Who's Your Agent?” Program, a structured approach to care planning. The program offers strategies to flow from simple conversations to serious illness conversations using the Honoring Choices MA and Ariadne Labs Serious Illness Conversation Guide, and includes no cost downloadable state specific planning documents. For individuals living with dementia, early detection is important, not just for accessing appropriate treatments, but to write down their care goals and preferences for future care, including end of life care.

    At the end of this session, each attendee will become a certified Honoring Choices Health Care Planning Ambassador. Ambassadors help adults make their own personal care plan with MA planning documents, and empower adults to talk with their care providers for the best possible care today and over their lifetime.

    • Nursing: This program meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing at 244 CMR 5.00 for 1 contact hour.
    • Social Work: Application for social work continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact Lorraine Kermond,, for the status of social work CE accreditation.
    To register, click here

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    Person-Centered Dementia Care: A Habilitation Therapy Training Curriculum

    Includes the Alzheimer’s Association’s New Dementia Care Practice Recommendations and the opportunity to purchase essentiALZ® certification for direct care staff.

    Our curriculum is a train-the-trainer model created to prepare attendees, already familiar with Alzheimer’s and dementia care, to train direct care staff in a wide range of residential and community-based care settings. The 7-hour training teaches attendees how to deliver the 13-hour curriculum based on the person-centered model of Habilitation therapy. CEUs are provided. Please click here to learn more.

    Previous Presentations - Recording Available

    CEUs are not available for recorded sessions