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    Support for People Living With Dementia and Their Caregivers

    Support for People Living With Dementia and Their Caregivers

    Public policy decisions must provide the resources necessary to support programs that affect people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. Now is the time to act.


    Support for Alzheimer's and dementia family caregivers

    Two Black women talking and smilingToday, more than 11 million Americans are providing an estimated 18.4 billion hours of unpaid care valued at $346.6 billion to people living with dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) are working to implement public policies that will have a meaningful impact on caregivers.

    The Alzheimer’s Association is working to build bipartisan support in Congress for the bipartisan Credit for Caring Act. If signed into law, this bill would help alleviate the financial challenges of caring for a loved one by creating a new, non-refundable federal tax credit for eligible family caregivers. Join us and urge Congress to take a step forward to providing much-needed financial relief to family caregivers across the nation, including those caring for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia.
    In the states we are supporting family caregivers through the development and implementation of state plans and other state and local policies. Policies being pursued include increased funding for respite care services for caregivers of individuals living with Alzheimer's, expanding access to home and community-based services, enhancing access to protected paid leave so that caregivers can continue providing care with less impact on their employment. Many state plans promote more education for caregivers as well as access to help navigating the health care system on behalf of their loved ones living with dementia.

    Four Alzheimer's Association advocates standing in front of a legislative building.

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    You can make a difference. Help us make Alzheimer’s a national priority today.

    Protections for persons living with dementia

    Abuse can occur anywhere, including at home and in care settings. People with dementia are especially vulnerable because the disease may prevent them from reporting the abuse or recognizing it. They also may fall prey to strangers who take advantage of their cognitive impairment.
    The Alzheimer's Association is working to advance policies that protect those living with dementia from abuse and exploitation. Across the country, the Association with AIM is educating state policymakers on the importance of passing laws and regulations that protect this population.
    State plans are addressing this critical issue through a variety of recommendations including:

    • Requiring training of adult protective services workers and law enforcement.
    • Making it a criminal offense for an individual to financially exploit a cognitively impaired individual.
    • Establishing laws and regulations governing the financial industry in cases of potential financial exploitation of vulnerable adults.