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    Volta Oil | Rapid Refill & Garrett's Family Markets

    Volta Oil | Rapid Refill & Garrett's Family Markets

    Rapid Refill and Garrett's Family Markets are part of the Volta Oil Family of convenience stores operating throughout New England.

    In 2013, the Garrett family lost their matriarch to a 15-year battle with Alzheimer's. As a tribute to her fight and her legacy, Volta Oil is committed to the mission of the Alzheimer’s Association.

    In 2010, Volta Oil developed its Purple Pump Up campaign, giving customers the opportunity to donate to the Association at all stores inside and at the gas pumps. Each summer, the company hosts a seven-week campaign to generate funds and awareness.

    In recognition of the Alzheimer's Association The Longest Day® fundraising and awareness efforts, all locations will donate 5 cents from every gallon of gas and diesel sold June 21. Throughout its decade-long history, Purple Pump Up has raised more than $1 million for Alzheimer's care, support and research.

    Active Program Dates: May 24-July 14, 2024.

    Product or Program: Purple Pump Up for Alzheimer's campaign.

    Benefit to Association: 100% of donations made at checkout in-store or at the pump. Volta Oil will match up to $40,000 of customer donations.

    Additionally, Volta Oil will donate 5 cents from every gallon of gas and diesel sold on June 21 to honor The Longest Day, with a minimum commitment of $10,000.

    Partner with the Alzheimer's Association

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