Repository of Measures

Welcome to the LINC-AD Repository, a searchable collection of measures for dementia research and care. In addition to general information about each measure, PC-MET (Person-Centered Measure Evaluation Tool) scores are also outlined. The PC-MET was developed by LINC-AD to measure the person-centeredness of a tool. Additional measures will be added over time.

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 DCPR AreaMeasure
Details 1 Behavior Psychosocial Resistance to Activities of Daily Living Index (PRADLI)
Details 2 Behavior Resistiveness To Care- revised (RTC-r)
Details 3 Assessment Group Observational Measurement of Engagement (GOME)
Details 4 Assessment Engagement and Independence in Dementia Questionnaire (EID-Q)
Details 5 Environment Artifacts of Culture Change (ACC)
Details 6 Environment Professional Environmental Assessment Protocol (PEAP)
Details 7 Care transitions Desire to Institutionalize Scale (DTI)
Details 8 Care transitions Johns Hopkins Dementia Care Needs Assessment (JHDCNA)
Details 9 Education, information, support Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale
Details 10 Education, information, support Strength Based Inventory
 DCPR AreaMeasureConstructDescriptionNumber of ItemsItem Response FormatReliabilityValidityIntended PopulationPC MET ScoresPC METSource
1 Behavior Psychosocial Resistance to Activities of Daily Living Index (PRADLI) resistance to care Caregiver subjective retrospective measure representing a scaling procedure to capture dependency due to resistiveness to care 8 7-point Likert style response ranging from 1 (non-cooperative and independent) to 7 (motivated, oriented, and independent) internal consistency 0.88; item level test-retest correlation with FASTr= -0.56, individual items correlated with Katz ADL - range r 0.30 to 0.98 long-term care residents 3 Pragmatism; Biopsychosocial-cultural; Systemic focus Clifford PA, Cipher DJ, Roper KD. Assessing resistance to activities of daily living in long-term care. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2003; 4(6): 313-319.
2 Behavior Resistiveness To Care- revised (RTC-r) resistance to care Observational rating scale developed to quantify care-resistant behavior 13 frequency x intensity (mild, moderate, severe) Inter-rater reliability 0.87 to 1.0 Correlated with a visual analogue scale that measures global restiveness r = 0.92 People living with dementia/Alzheimer's disease 5 Co-creation; Pragmatism; Incoporation; Biopsyhosocial-cultural; Systemic focus Jablonski-Jaudon RA, Winstead V, Jones-Townsend C, Azuero A, Mahoney E, Kolanowski AM. Revising the resistiveness to care scale. J Nurs Meas. 2016; 24(2): 72-82.
3 Assessment Group Observational Measurement of Engagement (GOME) activity engagment Observer rating scale of individual and group engagment in activities for people living with dementia 8 6-point Likert style ICC per item ranges 0.75 to 1.0 Construct validity demonstrated for individual engagement sub scale based on intercorrelations. Two distinct constructs emerged: engagement and attendance People living with dementia 5 Co-creation, Accommodation, Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychosocial-cultural component Cohen-Mansfield, J., Hai, T., & Comishen, M. (2017). Group engagement in persons with dementia: The concept and its measurement. Psychiatry research, 251, 237-243.
4 Assessment Engagement and Independence in Dementia Questionnaire (EID-Q) Engagment & independence Self-report of engagement and independence; five subscales: activities of daily living, decision making, activity engagement, support, reciprocity 26 5-point Likert style response reflecting frequency internal consistency 0.92; test-retest stability 0 QoL-AD r = 0.682; GDS r = -0.74 People living with dementia 5 Co-creation, Accommodation, Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychosocial-cultural component Stoner, C. R., Orrell, M., & Spector, A. (2018). Psychometric Properties and Factor Analysis of the Engagement and Independence in Dementia Questionnaire (EID-Q). Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 46(3-4), 119-127.
5 Environment Artifacts of Culture Change (ACC) culture change in care homes "fills the purpose of collecting the major concrete changes homes have made to care and workplace practices, policies, and schedules, increased resident autonomy, and improved environment" 79 3-point rating (fully implemented, partially implemented, or not a current practice) none reported none reported nursing homes 5 Co-creation, Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychosocial-cultural component, Systemic focus Bowman C. Development of the Artifacts of Culture Change Tool. Edu-Catering; 2006: 63; Bowman C, Schoeneman K, Artifacts of Culture Change 2.0. Pioneer Network; 2021.
6 Environment Professional Environmental Assessment Protocol (PEAP) nine dimensions of place experience PEAP is specifically based on a set of therapeutic goals derived from the literature and is focused on evaluating SCUs 9 dimensions 5-point rating scale Inter-rater reliability kappa 0.69-0.85 correlates with TESS (r = 0.55) people living with dementia 3 Pragmatism, Biopsyhosocial-cultural component, Systemic focus Lawton, M. P., Weisman, G. D., Sloane, P., Norris-Baker, C., Calkins, M., & Zimmerman, S. I. (2000). Professional environmental assessment procedure for special care units for elders with dementing illness and its relationship to the therapeutic environment screening schedule. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders, 14(1), 28-38.
7 Care transitions Desire to Institutionalize Scale (DTI) anticipated plans to institutionalize care recipie Caregiver rating of plans to institutionalize over past six months 6 yes/no Cronbach's alpha 0.72 positively correlated with burden, potentially harmful behavior, and daily/behavioral bother Family caregivers for people living with dementia 3 Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychsocial-cultural component Morycz R. K. (1985). Caregiving strain and the desire to institutionalize family members with Alzheimer's disease. Possible predictors and model development. Research on aging, 7(3), 329-361.
8 Care transitions Johns Hopkins Dementia Care Needs Assessment (JHDCNA) unmet needs of care used to identify participant and caregiver dementia-related needs 86 two ratings: need (yes or no); need met (yes or no) none reported concurrent validity with QoL people with cognitive impairment - MCI to severe dementia 4 Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychsocial-cultural component, Systemic focus Johnston, D., Samus, Q. M., Morrison, A., Leoutsakos, J. S., Hicks, K., Handel, S., Rye, R., Robbins, B., Rabins, P. V., Lyketsos, C. G., & Black, B. S. (2011). Identification of community-residing individuals with dementia and their unmet needs for care. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 26(3), 292-298.
9 Education, information, support Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale knowledge of Alzheimer's disease update of Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Test 30 true/false Cronbach's alpha 0.71; test-retest 0.81 content, predictive, concurrent, and convergent general public 6 Co-creation, Accommodation, Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychosocial-cultural component, Systemic focus Carpenter, B. D., Balsis, S., Otilingam, P. G., Hanson, P. K., & Gatz, M. (2009). The Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale: development and psychometric properties. The Gerontologist, 49(2), 236-247.
10 Education, information, support Strength Based Inventory well-functioning aspects of physical, psychological and social aspects of life Clinical interview about client's strengths open ended responses across five domains: physical, social support, life roles, employment/hobbies, history/culture none reported none reported care recipient and care partner 6 Co-creation, Accommodation, Pragmatism, Incorporation, Biopsychosocial-cultural component, Systemic focus Orsulic-Jeras S, Shepard JB, Britton PJ. (2003) Counseling older adults with HIV/AIDS: a strength-basedmodel of treatment. JMent Health Couns, 25(3), 233-244.
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