LINC-AD provides the following opportunities for psychosocial researchers, including a call for papers, grants, webinars, and workshops.
This special issue focuses on psychosocial measures and will include papers that critically evaluate existing measures and gaps in the nine areas of the Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Practice Recommendations. View the special issue.
Papers are being solicited related to Key Issues in Measurement, to be included in the Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI) Special Collection: Measurement to Improve Care and Outcomes for individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. These papers will complement a foundation of papers, published or in development, relating to the nine areas of the Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Practice Recommendations.
The Special RFA: Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measures (ARCOM 3.0) aims to address significant gaps in care and outcome measurement, and provide an opportunity to advance research so that care providers have the tools to implement evidence-based practices (measures to guide care provision) and achieve desired outcomes (measures to assess outcomes). Work to be funded through ARCOM aims to directly advance research projects that are developing and/or validating previously developed measures of care and outcomes where measurement gaps exist, and evaluating the use of measures in improving care and outcomes across diverse and underrepresented populations and stages of dementia, and in various settings.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
The Alzheimer’s Association Leveraging an Interdisciplinary Consortium to Improve Care and Outcomes for Persons Living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and The Gerontological Society of America have partnered to offer this cutting-edge educational webinar series related to psychosocial measurement, research design, and recruitment and engagement. Past webinars include:
February 2023
Personalized Goal Setting in the Clinical Care of Persons with Cognitive Impairment: Measuring What Matters Most (GSA/LINC-AD Webinar Series)
Lee Jennings, University of Oklahoma, Division of Geriatrics
View webinar
March 2023
Use of Different Research Designs for Developing, Evaluating, and Implementing Person-Centered Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care (GSA/LINC-AD Webinar Series)
Maud Graff, Radboud University Medical Center
View webinar
Towards a Quantified Science of Engagement and Recruitment (GSA/LINC-AD Webinar Series)
Jonathan Jackson, CARE Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
May 2022
Operationalizing Person-Centered Care
Patrick Doyle, Brightview Senior Living and Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
July 2021
LINC-AD Commissioned Paper Recruitment and Engagement in ADRD
Jonathan Jackson, CARE Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital
June 2020
Goal Attainment Scaling
Lee Jennings, University of Oklahoma, Division of Geriatrics
LINC-AD has collaborators or “LINC-ADages” with a network of researchers working to advance the field of psychosocial and dementia research.
The NIA IMPACT Collaboratory is focused on building the nation’s capacity to conduct pragmatic clinical trials of interventions embedded within health care systems for people living with dementia and their care partners. Learn how LINC-AD and IMPACT Collaboratory intersect (pdf). The collaboratory includes:
Interdem a is a pan-European network of researchers collaborating in research on and dissemination of Early, Timely and Quality Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia aimed at improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their supporters, across Europe.
The AWARD Network aims to advance research on the health care workforce that serves people living with dementia, with support from the National Institute on Aging.
The goal of the HEARD project is to use design thinking to engage a broad range of stakeholders in the design of new research measures to assess Living Well with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. For more information about the HEARD Project, please contact Lorna Prophater,
The Alzheimer's Association has a variety of resources to support psychosocial and dementia research.
As the largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Association is committed to accelerating the global progress of new treatments, preventions and, ultimately, a cure. Learn about the Association’s research activities.
This is the largest and most influential international meeting dedicated to advancing dementia science. Each year, AAIC convenes the world’s leading basic science and clinical researchers, next-generation investigators, clinicians and the care research community to share research discoveries that'll lead to methods of prevention and treatment and improvements in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
This program lies at the heart of our commitment to advance Alzheimer's research. Since awarding our first grants in 1982, the Association has grown into the largest private, nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research. The Alzheimer's Association is currently investing over $430 million in more than 1,110 active best-of-field projects in 56 countries, spanning six continents.
This service provides customized lists of clinical studies based on user-provided information. The free, easy-to-use platform allows individuals with Alzheimer’s, caregivers and healthy volunteers to see which studies are a good fit for them or for a family member. Search for studies, sign up for study updates, or connect with researcher teams.
This is the leading peer-reviewed, monthly journal in Alzheimer’s and dementia. The Association also has two open-access companion journals.
Other resources are available below through partnering organizations within the LINC-AD network.
A survey focusing on developing a research agenda for the next decade in the behavioral and social sciences as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias.
The Committee on Developing a Behavioral and Social Science Research Agenda on Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) hosted a public workshop in Washington, D.C., as part of the study “Developing a Behavioral and Social Science Research Agenda on Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias” (Alzheimer’s Decadal). The workshop included six presentations by six authors of papers commissioned by the committee.
A website that includes quality assurance and measures. The expertise of the Resource Center team is broad, with combined experience and knowledge related to a variety of topics including, dementia-capable systems, supportive services for people with dementia and caregivers, evidence-based caregiver interventions, behavioral interventions for people with dementia, data collection and reporting, and program evaluation.
An act established to build upon and leverage Health and Human Services (HSH) programs and other federal efforts to help change the trajectory of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
An advisory council that makes recommendations to HHS for priority actions to expand, coordinate and condense programs in order to improve the health outcomes of people with AD/ADRD and reduce the financial burden of these conditions.
As a part of the LINC-AD network, you will connect with other psychosocial researchers in the dementia care field and gain access to a variety of opportunities, including funding opportunities, calls for papers, webinars, conference events and networking opportunities.