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    Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map

    Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map

    Throughout history, public health has had an overwhelmingly positive effect on population wellness. As a result, people are living longer in communities all over the country. But as the size of the U.S. population age 65 and older continues to grow, so too will the number and proportion of Americans living with cognitive decline and dementia. Just as with other chronic conditions, the best way to reduce risk, detect problems early and improve safety and quality of care is to act now.

    The Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map, updated for 2023-2027, is a framework designed to help public health professionals lead with urgency and act for impact in their communities to improve brain health across the life course and support caregivers.


    Road Map to guide the public health response

    Download the HBI Road Map, 2023-2027

    Experts have developed 24 actions for public health leaders to promote brain health, better care for people living with cognitive impairment and increase support for caregivers.

    The overarching vision of the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) is that everyone deserves a life with the healthiest brain possible. Since 2005, the HBI has been working to implement public health strategies that promote brain health, address dementia, and support individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Public health systems play a crucial role in impacting brain health. These systems include various public, private, and voluntary entities that deliver essential public health services within a jurisdiction. The Healthy Brain Initiative: State and Local Road Map for Public Health, 2023-2027 expands on previous progress, promotes equity by integrating brain health and caregiving into state and local public health practices, and addresses the social factors that impact brain health throughout a person's life.

    Get started with the 2023-2027 HBI Road Map

    To aid the implementation of the HBI Road Map, several ready-made tools and resources can help state and local public health leaders prioritize actions and tailor their response to best fit the needs of their community.

    • What's New (PDF): Explore the changes in the HBI Road Map, including an increased focus on health equity and more emphasis on the importance of partnerships, among other changes to help promote brain health.
    • Implementation Guide (PDF): This guide expands on the eight planning questions of the HBI Road Map to help health departments implement actions.
    • Evaluation Tool (PDF): This tool offers suggested measures and metrics for state, local and tribal health departments to track, evaluate and measure implementation of the HBI Road Map. Email to request a pre-populated Excel document that can be used for data collection.
    • Video overview: Watch this recorded webinar with experts from the Alzheimer's Association and CDC to learn what's new in the 2023-2027 Road Map. 

    Use topic-specific issue maps to enact change in your community

    Topic-specific issue maps explore public health issues that address Alzheimer's and other dementias. Each issue map explains the need for action, suggests related HBI Road Map actions and highlights members of the HBI Collaborative to provide additional guidance. View issue maps covering key areas of focus:

    Resources and data for health departments

    Health departments are emerging as leaders and foundational partners in addressing the growing impact of Alzheimer's, cognitive decline, and dementia caregiving. They are using innovative public health approaches to prioritize healthy aging, older adults and dementia across all communities. An Implementation Guide (PDF), Evaluation Tool (PDF) and several topic-specific issue maps are available as part of the 2023-2027 HBI Road Map.

    Find public health information for every state

    Select a state to see the impact of Alzheimer’s and how local governments and organizations are addressing the crisis.