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    The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO® Program for Public Health Professionals

    The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO® Program for Public Health Professionals

    The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO Program connects national experts in dementia with professionals in public health in a series of interactive, case-based video conferencing sessions. The program supports state and local health departments in understanding and promoting dementia risk reduction strategies within their communities. The ECHO program for public health professionals is currently in its second pilot phase and will be broadly available for learners in fall 2025.

    Project Echo logoProject ECHO improves access to best-practice care and resources by building capacity within local communities. By supporting peer-to-peer collaboration, network building and mentoring, the ECHO model can build sustainable knowledge, skills and infrastructure across multiple sectors that require a multidisciplinary, holistic approach.

    How it works

    Each weekly session includes a short presentation on an aspect of dementia risk reduction, followed by a case discussion from a participating health department. Unlike a typical webinar, the program enables content experts to mentor and train professionals on the most up-to-date science and uses real-world examples to highlight the challenges and opportunities for promoting dementia risk reduction.

    Build expertise in dementia risk reduction

    The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO Program is a free six-week telementoring program for public health professionals who work in health departments. 

    Program benefits include:

    • Increase knowledge around the latest science on risk factors for dementia, including those related to social determinants of health.
    • Increase confidence in implementing dementia risk reduction strategies.
    • Learn from peers in similar roles to identify priorities around the risk factors for dementia.
    • Identify key partners and leadership to support development of dementia risk reduction programming.
    • Certificate of completion.

    If you work in a health system or professional care setting, please refer to our other ECHO programs:

    Start an ECHO program for dementia risk reduction

    To start a new dementia-focused ECHO program, your organization must be an existing ECHO hub or become a new ECHO hub. This process includes training and becoming an official partner with the ECHO Institute. As a Superhub, the Alzheimer’s Association can help facilitate this process.

    Learn more about how to launch a dementia care ECHO hub or program.

    Contact us

    Fill out a brief form to receive more information and to be notified when the ECHO Program for Public Health Professionals becomes available.

    Additional resources

    Public health curriculum

    A Public Health Approach to Dementia is a free, interactive online curriculum featuring videos, knowledge checks and next steps for public health students, educators and professionals.

    Get started with the public health curriculum.

    Health professionals education

    Learn how public health plays a role in educating other health and health care professionals to address the rising tide of Alzheimer's and other dementias.

    Find guidance and resources to support health professionals education.