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    essentiALZ® — Alzheimer's Association Training and Certification for California is Closed

    essentiALZ® — Alzheimer's Association Training and Certification for California is Closed

    The grant period to receive access to the essentiALZ Training and Certification through CalGrows has closed. For questions or information about additional training opportunities through CalGrows, please contact CalGrows at 855.916.4091 or

    If you are interested in purchasing Alzheimer's Association essentiALZ Training and Certification, pricing begins at $59.99 per learner with volume pricing discounts (PDF) for purchases of 100 or more. With the purchase of the training program, learners are eligible for certification in essentiALZ for two years and may claim continuing education credits.

    Create an Account to Purchase

    Alzheimer’s and dementia care training — all in one

    The essentiALZ training program and certification offers an affordable, all-in-one opportunity for new and experienced professional care workers. Program benefits include:

    • Convenient learning through a self-paced, three-hour curriculum, available in English or Spanish.
    • Practical and comprehensive training based on the Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Practice Recommendations.
    • Recognition of knowledge through the essentiALZ certification exam. 

    This comprehensive training program covers five topic areas of the Dementia Care Practice Recommendations, which serve as the benchmark for quality care across the disease spectrum. Topics include:

    • The basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
    • Person-centered care.
    • Assessment and care planning
    • Activities of daily living.
    • Communication changes and dementia-related behavior.

    Get more details on each topic area (PDF).

    If you have questions about the essentiALZ training program or are interested in making a group purchase for 300 or more learners, please contact us at

    The Alzheimer's Association is one of 76 organizations across California that received a grant through the CalGrows Innovation Fund earlier this year. Grants were awarded to diverse organizations with innovative ideas to offer training and incentives for the direct care Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) workforce and unpaid family and friend caregivers.