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The Workplace Education Program was created to help businesses of all types and sizes address the growing challenges posed by Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic conditions causing individuals to need care.

The following presentations are typically one hour long, however, program lengths can be adjusted to meet specific needs. In order for a program to be most successful, we recommend presentations of an hour or longer.

Workplace Education Program Curricula

Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia 
Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer's, the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, stages and risk factors, current research and treatments available for some symptoms, and Alzheimer's Association resources.

Dementia Conversations: Driving, Doctor Visits, Legal and Financial Planning
This is an educational workshop that offers helpful tips to assist families with difficult conversations around dementia, including going to the doctor, deciding when to stop driving and making legal and financial plans. The objectives are to share tips about having these tough conversations, to reinforce the need to plan ahead and create a care team, connect all attendees to helpful resources to enhance the quality of life for all involved and to provide the opportunity to hear from others who are dealing with similar issues.

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's

This interactive workshop identifies the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's disease and the benefits of early detection. Separate myth from reality and address commonly held fears about Alzheimer's in America. Hear from people who have the disease and find out how to recognize the signs.
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Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips From the Latest Research

For centuries we have known that the health of the body and brain are connected. But now science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your body and brain healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement and use hands-on tools to help your incorporate these plans into a plan for healthy aging.
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To schedule one of the workshops described above, a customized presentation or participation in an employee health fair, contact Tim Harrington, Community Outreach Coordinator - Healthcare and Family Support Focus at 1.800.272.3900 or